Jordan is a monarchy in which the king plays a dominant role in politics and governance. The parliament’s lower house is elected, but the electoral system and limits on civil liberties put the opposition at a disadvantage; the chamber wields little power in practice. The media and civil society groups are hampered by restrictive laws and government pressure. The judicial system lacks independence and often fails to ensure due process.
Freedom on the Net— Jordan Country Report
Jordan is rated Partly Free in Freedom on the Net, Freedom House's comprehensive study of internet freedom around the globe.
Freedom in the World — Jordan Country Report
Jordan is rated Not Free in Freedom in the World 2023, Freedom House's annual study of political rights and civil liberties worldwide.
News & Perspectives on Jordan
Amid COVID-19 Pandemic, Internet Freedom Is Under Attack in The Middle East and North Africa
January 19, 2021
Report: Digital Election Interference Widespread in Countries Across the Democratic Spectrum
Press release
December 7, 2020