Côte d'Ivoire
Côte d’Ivoire continues to recover from an armed conflict that ended in 2011. Several root causes of the country’s violent conflict remain, including ethnic and regional tensions, land disputes, corruption, and impunity. While civil liberties had been better protected in recent years, an outbreak of election-related violence in 2020 brought significant setbacks. Improved electoral conditions in 2021 allowed opposition groups and civil society to operate more freely than during the previous year.
Freedom in the World — Côte d’Ivoire Country Report
Côte d’Ivoire is rated Partly Free in Freedom in the World 2023, Freedom House's annual study of political rights and civil liberties worldwide.
News & Perspectives on Côte d'Ivoire
Report: Digital Election Interference Widespread in Countries Across the Democratic Spectrum
Press release
December 7, 2020
West Africa's Democratic Progress is Slipping Away, Even as Region's Significance Grows
March 19, 2020